Senin, 24 November 2008

Darius Rucker at NC Children's Hospital

Darius was fantastic with the kids at the hospital. You could tell he was feeling fortunate to have healthy kids at home. A great performance. Enjoy part of it.

Rabu, 19 November 2008

Probably against the rules of Soccer...

In Soccer, one is allowed to do a "flip-throw" to get the ball in bounds. Usually you pass it to a teammate. At the very least you try to avoid the opponents face.

Jumat, 14 November 2008

QDR Acoustic Cafe: Kristy Lee Cook

It's fun to see someone of celebrity off their platform. We didn't get to see enough of Kristy Lee Cook on American Idol to make a judgement. She's a real sweetheart, but isn't afraid to tell you what for.

Selasa, 11 November 2008

What is Taylor Swift trying to tell us?

The lyrics in Taylor's album jacket are all in lower case, except for select letters. It turns out, by writing those letters down you get a little message from Taylor. I've figured out two so far:
-Track 4 "Hey Stephen" makes LOVE AND THEFT
-Track 11 "Forever and Always" makes IF YOU PLAY THESE GAMES WE'RE BOTH GOING TO LOSE. (is that another encrypted dig at Joe Jonas?)
Not sure what happens if you figure them all out. Play along at home and leave your discoveries in the comments.

Happy Veterans Day!

It's important to recognize the men and women who served our country proudly. It's also important to say Thank You to the families who made sacrifices of their own while there loved one fought for our freedom. Local musician Greg Russell wrote a song called "Brave." Enjoy it HERE.

Jumat, 07 November 2008

Taylor Swift gets emotional about Joe Jonas

Ryan Seacrest got Taylor to open up about Joe Jonas. Looks like he really wrecked her... are those tears?

Kamis, 06 November 2008

QDR Cheerleader Rival Idol: Knightdale

The Knightdale Cheer team visited before a must win game against East Wake. The team said they have no fear, and are confident they're playoff bound.
-Click HERE for a popular Knight fight cheer.
-Click HERE for a QDR Cheer co-written by Billy Dukes.
-Then the girls started taking confessions. Click HERE to hear what one guy was up to.
-And somehow they got guys to start singing for them. Click HERE for that ridiculousness.

Selasa, 04 November 2008

QDR Acoustic Cafe: Justin Moore

Justin Moore is real cool guy, and has a great voice. This is the first of a few videos of his visit last month. This song is a ton of fun.

Senin, 03 November 2008

QDR Halloween Harvest Ball

A recap of the Craziness from this year's Halloween Bash. Apologies to those who sees themselves doing something they regret.