Kamis, 31 Desember 2009

My 2010 New Year's Resolutions

Every single blog I have read this last week has been about New Year's Resolutions. I was starting to feel a little left out. So here are mine. I have split them into 'life' resolutions and 'style' resolutions. I have also written my 10 shopping Commandments for 2010 in my last weekly column for British Style Bloggers here.

My New Year's (Life) Resolutions:

1. To be more organised!

2. To save more. Or just save at all.

3. To pass my driving test.

4. To be more spontaneous.

5. To add (at least) one more country to my list!

My New Year's (Style/Shopping) Resolutions:

1. To shop less.

2. To wear more colour and less all black. (Check out Style on a String's post about this and my post)

3. To learn to do a few up-dos, so that I don't always wear my hair down.

4. To make sure my nail polish is always fresh, no more chips for me.

5. To learn to be more ruthless and not to hoard so much, so that my wardrobe and dressing table are not so over flowing all of the time.

Happy New Year folks. Love, SG

365 project: reminder!

Tomorrow I will be starting my 365 project. Any ideas for the first week's theme would be greatly appreciated!! :)

Rabu, 30 Desember 2009

CHRISTMAS PRESENTS: more prancing about!

I realise that I haven't posted any photos of Christmas presents. So here they are.

Here are a few of my Christmas presents. My favourite of them all is the BEAUTIFUL H&M faux fur coat, from my sister! How cute is it?!

I am also wearing an Accessorize hat from a friend and cashmere M&S arm warmers, also from my sister. These are in the photo above with another pair of arm warmers that I got, in my stocking, from Dorothy Perkins.

The socks were also in my stocking and from Dorothy Perkins. They are keeping my toes nice and toasty!

The necklaces, in the photo on the bottom left, are in fact just two necklaces. The bottom heart is the necklace I bought in Urban Outfitters today. The other was in my stocking. From Topshop.

I bought the ring, in the bottom right photo, in the sale in Accessorize at the weekend. It spells 'love'.

I hope you all got beautiful things for Christmas.

More soon. Love, SG xx

An Ode to Urban Outfitters!

I love Urban Outfitters.

Just putting it out there.

I spend hours 'fantasy shopping' on UrbanOutfitters.co.uk. I could spend even longer.

I love the quirky items that it stocks.

I particularly love the jewellery. Jewellery is definitely my downfall and it is always a bit different in UO.

 I also love the unusual gifts they stock, like the range of Lomo cameras.

Everytime I walk into an Urban Outfitters store, it reminds me of New York. Happy times.

I bemoan the fact that there still isn't an Urban Outfitters in Cardiff. Please, UO open a lovely new sparkly store in Cardiff? Pretty please!!

In case you hadn't realised, I went to Urban Outfitters today. In Birmingham. I bought two gorgeous necklaces in their sale. Lovely.

No More Black: Jumper Dress

I snagged this gorgeous jumper dress on sale in New Look. I'm trying to break away from my all black wardrobe.

Taken in the kitchen at the in laws!

Senin, 28 Desember 2009

Monday (Morning?!) Pic-Me-Up

The top two decorations are M&S bargains - £1 each! Reindeer is sooo cute! And sparkly!

The big red bauble was a Christmas present from my girl friend last year.

365 project

As my shopping ban ends, so I feel I need a new project to keep my occupied! 

365 Project seemed just the ticket. The idea is to take a photo a day, every day, for a year.

You can either choose a subject for the project; clothes, food, etc or just use it as a picture diary for the year.

I have decided that to make it (slightly) easier and to get you all involved, I want you to suggest a topic a week. If you have an idea for the first week - starting on Thursday - please leave a comment here!

I will, of course, upload my photos to here. But as I use film a lot, they might not be uploaded every day.

Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009



The Happy Holidays Edition

(Edited by Retrochick)

Links Ă  la Mode : December 24th

  • Alice in Stilettos – Don’t Be Victimized By Fashion
  • DailyDivaDish – New Year’s Eve Fashion: Make an entrance without breaking the bank. Includes 2 looks + DIY ideas.
  • Fashion X K8 – Bringing attention to an essay of literary criticism that provides the proper vocabulary with which we can converse about a new fashion paradigm.
  • Fasshonaburu – An interview with Liu Wen, the first Asian model to strut her stuff on the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show catwalk.
  • Idiosyncratic Style – Wham GLAM Thank You Ma’am – Indulge in a little glamour for the holidays.
  • Jewelry Whore – HUGE Roundup of DIY Christmas Present Ideas! It’s not too late to make some fabulous jewelry for Christmas presents!
  • kaKofonie Of si(gh)lenS – You’re only a couple clicks and a few stitches away from owning your own one-of-a-kind designer piece with free patterns from SHOWstudio
  • La SociĂ©tĂ© de Mode – A scream of an interview with stylist Brett Bailey
  • Little Miss Makeup – Bold lips: This season’s hottest makeup trend.
  • M.I.S.S. – Another simple yet attractive necklace by Pandora from Acessory Source in this week’s She’s Crafty.
  • Previously Owned – To celebrate the [almost there] opening of the ONLINE store Previously Owned BLOG is giving away a Royal Blue hobo!
  • Retro Chick – Vintage Hair Styling with Flamingo Amy
  • Style on a String – Harem Pants: Yay or Nay? And some quick tips on how to buy and wear them.
  • Sugar and spice and all things nice – 10 things I like…. no, LOVE… about FANTASY SHOPPING!!
  • sweetarchivia – Review of the much anticipated launch of the Rodarte for Target line by the Mulleavy sisters.
  • THE COVETED – Versace Pre-Fall returns to color
  • The Demoiselles – Wing Tips: Your First Time…at the Tailor
  • The Fashion Planner – The Fashion Planner is excited to announce the publication of The Fashion Planner’s Guide!
  • The Style PA – I review the comfy, Cable Cosy by Isabella Oliver
  • The Working Wardrobe – Learning the art of layering that is both fashion-forward and office-appropriate

How to... shop successfully in the sale: The shopping plan

Christmas Day is over and so the sales have begun!

My treat - to celebrate the long awaited and anticipated end of my six month shopping ban - is some much needed sales shopping in Cardiff with my mum! (Next week)

Sales shopping is always a tricky one. There is always the temptation to just dive in and buy anything and everything just because it is reduced and therefore, a bargain. But how much of a bargain is it when you have spent £££ on a lot of stuff you don't actually need or even want.

The key to successful sales shopping is to have a plan. Know what is missing from your wardrobe and what you hope to pick up and aim for that. If you see a couple of 'surprise' bargains along the way then you can always grab these too, of course!

1. Winter coats are always good. I have managed to get all five of mine in the past two winter sales. They tend to be classic pieces that will last for more than one season.

2. Boots are on my list this year. I have my beautiful Primark over-the-knee boots but want some sturdier ones that might last a bit longer (see my top ten winter boots!).

3. Jeans are another good sales find. If you can find a pair in your size and a style you like, then you are in business. This year, I am on the hunt for some jeggings.

4. Party wear is always on sale after the festive and New Year party seasons are over. Anything in black with some embellishment is likely to be classic enough to last you a couple of party seasons.

5. Underwear. M&S, in particular, usually have massive discounts on their lingerie. Grab some cute undies for the New Year! It's a good time to stock up!

6. Costume jewellery is always cheap in the sales. As it is one size you are sure to find something you love! Most high street stores cut their costume jewellery to £1 later in the sales.

7. Check out gift sets of cosmetics and perfume in the post-Christmas sales. These are always discounted and you can often find something you use in amongst them.

8. It might be terribly geeky or OCD of me but I always buy Christmas wrapping paper and cards in the sales. It saves the hassle next year and I get some nice Paperchase ones for half the price!

9. Decorations are also discounted come January. I like to buy a couple of really special ones for next year's tree!

10. CDs and DVDs. I always end up going home with new films or music from the sales - they are always bargainous!!

As always, happy shopping! I'll post my sales stash next week!

More soon. Love, SG

Jumat, 25 Desember 2009

Rabu, 23 Desember 2009

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!

It is snowing here again this evening!

This is the Priory in Great Malvern, doesn't it look lovely and peaceful.

I'm going to try to get out and get some photos later... If we get home!

Risotto ai funghi

This is my own recipe which I make from memory, so hopefully it is ok to follow!

Serves 3
Prep and cooking time, about an hour

500g mushrooms, sliced
1 onion, finely chopped
1 vegetable stock cube, in about 1 litre of boiling water
250g arborio rice
Salt and pepper, to taste
Parsley, fresh or dried

1. Fry onions for a couple of minutes in large frying pan, until they are starting to go brown.

2. Add mushrooms and continue to fry until they are soft.

3. Add rice and allow to fry for a minute.

4. Add enough stock to cover the ingredients.

5. As stock simmers and reduces add more. Continue to add stock, a bit at a time. Until all stock is gone and rice is soft and creamy. This can take 20-30 minutes.

6. Season to taste. Add a little parsley before serving.

Merry Christmas to me!!

I have treated myself to a beautiful new netbook on which to write my dissertation! And blog, of course!

This is me cwtched up on my mum's lovely festive red sofa - with netbook - in a Dorothy Perkins jumper dress and M&S woolly tights! V snuggly.

Selasa, 22 Desember 2009

Risotto ai funghi?


This is my culinary masterpiece tonight!

Amazingly simple and yet delicious (even if I do say so myself!).

I'll give you the recipe soon!!

I'm Dreaming Of A White Christmas... La la la...!!

And so the snow fell.

On Saturday night it started to snow and on Sunday morning we woke up to a beautiful dusting on the ground.

Grumpy old woman!

Apoligies my lovelies, I know I have abandoned you for too long.

Have gone to la parents for the Christmas period which is always a mixture of fun and stress. And more stress this year, as have no internet to keep me entertained!

Every year, memories of Christmases past always turn out to be very rose-tinted. I imagine them to have been perfectly easy and fun but every year the reality never quite lives up to the expectation! Very quickly I find myself wishing back in my own flat with my own things and my own rules.

I miss my wardrobe most. It is always such a pain living out of a suitcase. I manage it on holiday because, let's face it, we would endure a lot to be on holiday, somewhere in the sun, or even in the cold! But when it is still in the UK (admittedly a different country!) I feel a little hard done by. This year I had to pack lighter than usual as there was no room in the car for my large suitcase as well as the two guitars, amp, computer and whatever other paraphernalia the boyf felt necessary for a short trip to his parents! Since the snow has fallen I am definitely regretting taking out all but three of my long sleeved t-shirts.

It's not my casual wardrobe that suffers most when I come to la parents but my dressing up wardrobe. I never really feel like dressing up to go anywhere here and also never really have any idea what occasion may arise for which I might need to dress up. So I don't bring much and then end up regretting my decision come Christmas Eve when the pub beckons.

Christmas Eve pub trips always stress me out. It is the one time of year - in my town, at least - that you can be guaranteed to bump into nearly everyone (you didn't want to!); exes (boyfs and friends), those girls who were in the "cool" group at school, friends who you've lost touch with (probably for a reason!), etc. I always feel an immense pressure to look good and have a good story of where I am and how incredibly successful I am now, no matter what the truth. So this year I have managed to bring precisely nothing with me in my little suitcase which might be even nearly suitable for such a trip. I might have to raid my sister's wardrobe - who, incidentally, does not have the hassle of having to come home for Christmas, as she only lives down the road.

Ok, rant over. Sorry. I feel like a grumpy old woman, or sound like one at any rate. Apologies. It was not intended, it just happened!

All shall be "merry and bright" from now on!

Jumat, 18 Desember 2009

More Dorothy Perkins excitement!!!

Another day and another post on Style Society! Check out my NYE outfit choice here. I think that I might have to invest in one of these power-sleeved dresses. Too good!

Kamis, 17 Desember 2009

I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it!! And LUST LIST!

Today my guest blog post for Style Society, brought to you by Dorothy Perkins, has gone live!! You can read it here! Style Society is a brand new blog (or relatively so!) which combines guest bloggers with regular columnists. The theme for the festive season has been Going Out, Staying Out and the posts provide tips for office-to-party style, glam nights out in the cold and student grunge. Check it out!! And, of course, please let me know what you think of my post!

I am totally addicted to Dorothy Perkins at the moment. I want almost EVERYTHING in store!!

This week's LUST-have is this gorgeous bargainous dress, only £25!!!

More soon. Love, SG

Rabu, 16 Desember 2009

10 things I like.... no, LOVE... about FANTASY SHOPPING!!

Fantasy shopping is something I have invented over the past five and a half months. Ok, so a quick goggle search for 'fantasy shopping' proves that I did not in fact invent the term but I have certainly perfected the art.

Fantasy shopping is a little like window shopping but it has the edge, I think. It is online shopping without hitting the 'checkout' button. Here are my 10 reasons why I have come to love it so much:

1. Money is no object. There is no need to fear one's credit card bill or bank balance after a fantasy shopping spree.

2. No store snobbery. You can check out really expensive stores on line without having to worry about the looks the security men will give you when you walk in. And what's more, you can 'buy' from these stores too!

3. Warm and dry. There's no need to go out in the cold and wet in the winter. You can stay wrapped up warm and dry inside, in front of the computer screen.

4. No opening hours. You can shop at 4am or 11pm or even 1pm. Whenever you want!

5. No bags. Fuss and baggage free!! Not shopping means that I travel light these days.

6. No queue rage. Saturday queues and crowds drive me into an uncontrollable frenzy. I hate them. On line shopping fantasy sprees have none of these. Thank goodness!

7. Anywhere in the world. The world is quite literally your shopping centre. You are not confined by postcode, country or postage fees when fantasy shopping. You can go anywhere you want.

8. No scary changing room mirrors. Or lights. The lights in some changing rooms are soooo unflattering. Why do you think they put lights in changing rooms that make you look so ill; they do not entice you to buy the clothes you are trying on one bit.

9. Try something new. You can go outside of your comfort zone and 'try' something completely different and new.

10. It's fun!! Most importantly.

Of course, many of these also apply to internet shopping in general. Tell me about your fantasy shopping sprees.

More soon. Love, SG

Better late than never!!

This is my mantra every day of the week as I dash to work, at five to nine and ten minutes away!

Well, today it is also the case for my weekly column on British Style Bloggers! But it is now done and here for all to read!

This week, I have taken myself 'fantasy shopping' for a sparkly new Christmas party outfit!! 'Fantasy shopping' is my new favourite thing to do!!!

More soon. Love, SG

Senin, 14 Desember 2009

Derelict buildings

I was having my usual weekend of blog reading - discovering new blogs that I haven't seen before and came across this one - notes by naĂ¯ve. There are some beautiful photos on the blog but I particularly liked this set which celebrates the beauty of derelict. Tommy shoots with various cameras but this set is taken with a Diana F+. I love the Diana Lomo cameras and have wanted one for ages (perhaps in the New Year…).

Over the weekend I was out with my Olympus OM1. The sun was out and I figured I should make the most of it (good thing I did as the weather is back to its grey self again today!). The old boarded up station building in Cardiff Bay looked strangely enticing and beautiful in the sun, so I started taking photos of it! I'm off to the darkroom tonight so we shall see if any came out and if they are any good!

I definitely think there is something romantic about derelict/abandoned buildings. At work there is a series of photos along the corridors of such buildings. They invite you in, even when you know that you probably shouldn't! I think that my new photography project to myself is going to be photographs of derelict buildings, there are a few in the Bay and a couple back home too, where I will be for Christmas!

Watch this space!

Monday Morning Pic-Me-Up

Maybe because it's Christmas, or maybe because this time last year I was getting ready for my first trip to the Big Apple, or maybe because my boss is heading off there today, or maybe because Harriet featured it in her Lazy Sunday Links... Whatever the reason, all I can think about at the moment is New York in the snow.

I visited the city in January and immediately fell in love with it. I thought a few photos of New York in the snow might cheer you all up on this grotty Monday morning.

(I took these myself with a very old compact Fujifilm digital camera)

More soon. Love SG

Minggu, 13 Desember 2009

Shopgirl's homemade Christmas gift guide

The credit crunch has been making the new for over a year now. 'Make do and mend' has firmly established itself amongst recessionistas everywhere. Homemade is no longer a toilet roll penguin that the kids made at school.

So this Christmas I thought I'd give you, my homemade Christmas gift guide:

1. Take one biscuit jar or cake tin. Fill with the ingredients for cookies or muffins or whatever and include a handwritten recipe. (Present idea courtesy of Eva)

2. Framed photos. Grandparents always appreciate photographs of their grandchildren. This year, of course, members of my family wil be having framed photos that I have taken, developed and printed myself!

3. A hamper. This can be made up of food and/or drink but doesn't need to be. How about a Pamper Hamper? Bubble bath, bath pillow, body lotion, candles, book and a bottle of wine. Or a 'girls' night in' hamper? DVD, candles, nail polish, face mask, toe seperaters and a bottle of bubbly. An old shoe box can easily be covered in some Christmas paper and be used as the hamper.

4. Buy a lovely mug (Cath Kidson do some very cute ones) and fill with hot chocolate sachets, marshmallows and a milk frother. Or for a tea lover, fill with speciality teas and a strainer.

5. Of course, if like my sister, you're a bit of a whizz on the sewing machine, you could make stockings - in any size. Helena made me mini stockings for my friends to go on the tree - just big enough for a chocolate and a pair of stud earrings.

6. Personalised cookies. Ikea do a set of Christmas cookies cutters, you can then ice them with friends' names. You can even put a whole in the top (before putting them in the oven) and add some ribbon so that they can hang on a tree.

7. One of my girl friends bought some champagne flutes and painted them for each of us. These are truly beautiful gifts.

8. If you don't have time for any of these, why not be imaginative with the wrapping? You could grab a bag of chocolate money and wrap the present up as a pass-the-parcel with pieces of chocolate money in each layer.

9. If homenade presents don't appeal, perhaps you'd prefer to make your Christmas cards. If you send a lot of cards, you could just handmake those for family members. Glitter glue makes everything look festive - I think!

10. If all else fails, heat up a bottle of mulled wine, get some mine pies in (or make them yourself) and invite the girls over for an evening of Christmas cheer.

Weekend of Action: Stylishly Warm!!

So, with my sister to stay we wrapped up warm for Claire's challenge. Here are the results:

To look stylish and keep warm I think the answer is to layer. I am wearing, Primark leggings, H&M wool socks, Primakr OTK boots, M&S vest (not seen), Primark long sleeved top, Dorothy Perkins dress, Matalan arm warmers and assorted jewellery.

Helena is wearing a Little Miss Christmas New Look tee (just seen), a Topshop 3/4 sleeved top, M&S leggings, Jane Norman belt, M&S necklace, scarf (from a friend), M&S hat, Topshop boots and those Matalan arm warmers (mum bought us both a pair!).

Sabtu, 12 Desember 2009

Top 10 Fashion Films

Last night I watched Dreamgirls. I had seen it before but enjoyed it much more the second time around. I loved the music but also the costumes. It got me thinking about fashion in films and, more particularly, fashion films. So I decided to compile a top 10 of these. It was harder that I expected! (The first five came easily but the final five were a little more difficult.)

1. Coco Avant Chanel - so so obvious. And a MUST see.

2. The Devil Wears Prada. Again, no need to explain. I hope!

3. Sex and the City: The Movie. Carrie's style is awe-inspiring.

4. The September Issue. Technically, a documentary but HAD to be included. I have the DVD but still haven't watched it.

5. Confessions of a Shopaholic. My icon.

6. Breakfast at Tiffany's. Audrey Hepburn's Holly Golightly made the LBD the icon that it is.

7. In Her Shoes. For any shoe-addict.

8. Zoolander. Tries to prove that models aren't as stupid as their stereotype.

9. Factory Girl. Edie Sedgwick inspired hair cuts, smoky eyes, statement earrings, t-shirt dresses. The influences are endless!

10. BrĂ¼no. The misadventures of a gay Austrian fashion report. Need I say more?!

Do you agree? Tell me.