I am sure that many of you are familiar with the word Alinskyite, being a reference to Saul Alinsky, the community organizer and radical activist who inspired the current President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama.
Jonathan Spyer argues that while the leaders of the current protests in Israel are Alinskyites, most of the protesters are not, and will not latch onto the radical ideas of
Senin, 15 Agustus 2011
Israel's Alinskyites
housing crisis,
Israeli economy,
Israeli taxes
Activists for Gilad Shalit blocking terrorist relatives from prisons
This should be done every week and should have been done a long time ago.
A group of activists for the release of Gilad Shalit is blocking a busload of relatives of 'Palestinian' terrorists who are on their way to visit terrorists in an Israeli prison. Gilad Shalit has not had a visitor in more than five years. Activists are blocking a bus full of terrorists' relatives from visiting Nafha
A group of activists for the release of Gilad Shalit is blocking a busload of relatives of 'Palestinian' terrorists who are on their way to visit terrorists in an Israeli prison. Gilad Shalit has not had a visitor in more than five years. Activists are blocking a bus full of terrorists' relatives from visiting Nafha
Video of Gaza's newest five-star luxury hotel
Last Wednesday, I told you all about Gaza's brand new five-star al-Mashtal luxury hotel. Now, I have some video to show you far more of the place. I'll have more after the fold too (this came from an Italian newspaper article parts of which someone translated for me).
Let's go to the videotape.
ArcMed Hotel Almashtal Gaza***** from sandra gomez on Vimeo.The swimming pools are men only, all day,
Let's go to the videotape.
ArcMed Hotel Almashtal Gaza***** from sandra gomez on Vimeo.The swimming pools are men only, all day,
Al-Mashtal hotel,
five-star hotel,
Gaza plenty
'Hussein's palace' site has a rich history
The Hussein's palace site, called Tel el-Ful, has a long and rich history going back to biblical times when it was the location of King Saul's palace, known as Givat Shaul (which is not the same as the Jewish neighborhood in northwest Jerusalem currently known as Givat Shaul). Tel el-Ful's location and height have made it a strategic site for 3,000 years.
When the 1967 war broke out and Jordan
When the 1967 war broke out and Jordan
Priorities: 'Palestinian Authority' increases payments to terrorists
Despite its supposed 'financial crisis,' the 'Palestinian Authority' has increased its monthly payments to terrorists being held in Israeli prisons, and to families of 'martyrs.' Despite a reported financial crisis preventing the Palestinian Authority from paying its workers their full salaries, the PA has managed to increase the monthly payments it gives to terrorists imprisoned in Israel,
Very black pot calls kettle black
This is worse than the typical case of the pot calling the kettle black. As bad as the riots in London may be, I have yet to hear - and do not expect to hear - any reports of police beating, torturing or raping protesters. But that doesn't stop the Iranian regime from orchestrating 'protests' against the violence in London. Some 200 students held a demonstration outside the British embassy in
Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011
Your tax dollars at work: Hamas agrees to accept US money
On Friday, I reported that Hamas had stopped the work of US NGO's that were providing it with money, because they refused to submit to a Hamas audit of their operations. Now, Hamas has decided to be satisfied with its lot in life. They have agreed to let the US salve its guilt over the terror group's plight by generously agreeing to accept American aid money without auditing the books. The
Israeli and Jordanian charged with spying in Egypt?
An Israeli and a Jordanian have been arrested and charged with spying for the Mossad according to a report emanating from Egypt. The Israeli has not been named, but is apparently not Ilan Grapel (pictured), who was arrested for spying in June. An Israeli and a Jordanian were set to go on trial in Egypt on suspicion that they were spying for the Mossad, according to a MENA news agency report
Egyptian Revolution,
Video: PA's Nabil Shaath tells Lebanese TV PA state for Arabs, Israel for Arabs and Jews
Here's 'Palestinian Authority' foreign relations director Nabil Shaath telling Lebanese television that the 'Palestinian state' will be for Arabs only, while Israel will be for both Arabs and Jews, including 'refugees.'
I discussed this interview previously here, but did not have the video at the time.
Let's go to the videotape.
I discussed this interview previously here, but did not have the video at the time.
Let's go to the videotape.
Overnight music video
Tonight is the 15th of Av, a day which has become a day to celebrate love. Here is Avraham Fried with Kama Tov She'Nifgashnu (How good it is that we met).
Let's go to the videotape.
Let's go to the videotape.
Israel rolls out the red carpet for Glenn Beck
Glenn Beck has arrived in Israel for his Restoring Courage events and the government has rolled out the red carpet. Beck has scrapped plans to hold the rally on the Temple Mount after his security team warned him that “40,000 Muslims staring down” at the crowd might endanger them. He will hold two events – one at the Davidson Center at the southern edge of the Western Wall and the other in Safra
Syrian navy fires on demonstrators in Lattakia
Off the coast of the Syrian port city of Lattakia on Sunday, the Syrian navy fired upon demonstrators against the regime of Bashar al-Assad.
Let's go to the videotape.
I can't ever recall a navy being used to fire upon civilians. But I'd guess it's quite effective. The people doing the firing don't see the victims.
Let's go to the videotape.
I can't ever recall a navy being used to fire upon civilians. But I'd guess it's quite effective. The people doing the firing don't see the victims.
Bashar al-Assad,
Syrian navy,
Syrian uprising
It's wet in December
A British organization wants to organize another flotilla of fools to challenge Israel's lawful blockade of Gaza at the end of December. The British organization Long Live Palestine has called on all freedom-loving people in the world to take part in a large-scale freedom flotilla at the end of the year, in order to break the Gaza siege. According to the plan, the flotilla will set sale in late
Egypt carrying out massive military operation in Sinai with Israel's approval
With Israel's approval, the Egyptian army has launched a massive military operation in the Sinai Peninsula, which is aimed at cleaning out al-Qaeda terrorists and Bedouin gangs. Egypt launched a massive military operation on Sunday to stop al-Qaida and Bedouin terrorists and to restore order to the Sinai Peninsula which fell into anarchy following the revolution in the country earlier this year.
Egyptian Revolution,
Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty,
El Arish,
Muslim Brotherhood,
Philadelphi corridor,
OMG: An indication of the state of the US economy after the S&P credit downgrade
This is what it's come to in the US.
Let's go to the videotape (Hat Tip: Shy Guy).
Let's go to the videotape (Hat Tip: Shy Guy).
Will a Democrat challenge Obama?
Usually an incumbent US President is virtually automatic as a nominee for reelection. In fact, the last incumbent President who faced a challenge was - you guessed it - Jimmy Carter.
Will Barack Hussein Obama face a challenge? Seven out of ten Democrats still want to see him nominated - but that's a decline of 11% since June. Despite the decline, history is on Obama's side. "In 1994, only 57%
Will Barack Hussein Obama face a challenge? Seven out of ten Democrats still want to see him nominated - but that's a decline of 11% since June. Despite the decline, history is on Obama's side. "In 1994, only 57%
'Palestinians' want peace, just not with Israel
This article by George Jonas does a great job (in 1,000 words or less) of summarizing why there is no peace between Israel and the 'Palestinians' (Hat Tip: Herb G). Israel declared itself a state on May 15, 1948, and within about five hours the “rejectionist” Arab states attacked it. That is the war that continues to this day. It’s a conflict the Arab world can afford to lose over and over again.
Soros and Germany
George Soros has criticized Germany's Andrea Merkel for causing the 'Euro crisis.' “It was the German indecision that intensified the Greece crisis and led to the contagion that has transformed it into an existential crisis for Europe,” Soros wrote in a guest commentary for the business daily Handelsblatt on Friday.
Soros, who has long criticised Europe’s handling of the crisis, called for the
Soros, who has long criticised Europe’s handling of the crisis, called for the
Angela Merkel,
Euro crisis,
George Soros,
Obama's iftar: Islamists secretly invited, moderates out
The Obama White House published an incomplete list of the invitees to the President's iftar dinner last Wednesday night, omitting representatives of Islamist groups who were invited. The White House also did not invite any representatives of moderate Muslim groups (Hat Tip: Atlas Shrugs). “It was a squeaky clean list,” said Durriya Badani, director of the U.S.-Islamic World Forum, an annual
Hussein's palace to be renovated by Jordan? UPDATE: Work halted
On Wednesday, I reported on an apparent land grab by the Wakf at Hussein's palace in Beit Hanina here in Jerusalem. Now, Maan reports that it's the Kingdom of Jordan which is behind the land grab. The King has apparently decided to complete his father's palace. Jordan is renovating King Hussein's unfinished palace in Jerusalem, Hebrew-language media reported Sunday.
The Palestinian Authority
The Palestinian Authority
Amazing story of a Jew who survived the Holocaust
Read the amazing story of Leon Weinstein, who is probably the oldest surviving fighter of the Warsaw Ghetto, here (Hat Tip: Nrg). She was Jewish, but to live she needed a Christian name.
She could not be Natalie Leya Weinstein, not in wartime Warsaw. Her father wrote her new name on a piece of paper.
Natalie Yazinska.
Her mother, Sima, sobbed.
"The little one must make it," Leon Weinstein
She could not be Natalie Leya Weinstein, not in wartime Warsaw. Her father wrote her new name on a piece of paper.
Natalie Yazinska.
Her mother, Sima, sobbed.
"The little one must make it," Leon Weinstein
Israel to Turkey: Double or nothing?
A report indicates that Israel has offered to pay $100,000 per dead terrorist in 'compensation' to Turkey - rather than the $50,000 demanded - in exchange for Turkey accepting a Israel's 'regrets' for the incident (Hat Tip: Joshua I). ‘‘Ankara demands apologies and compensation of $50 thousand to each of victims’ families. Israel, however, has another solution – Tel-Aviv will express its
Report: IDF deploying drones in Iraqi Kurdistan
A report on Israel's YNet website, quoting Iran's Press TV, claims that Israel is deploying six unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) in Iraqi Kurdistan. The IDF has recently stepped up its operations in Iraq's autonomous Kurdistan Region and is planning to deploy six unmanned aerial vehicles, intelligence agents and military consultants in the region, Iran's Press-TV has reported.
According to the
According to the
Surprise: Peres undermining Netanyahu government
Two weeks ago, I reported that Israel's favorite space cadet had met with 'Palestinian' chief negotiator bottle washer Saeb Erekat. Now, it turns out that Peres also held four 'secret' meetings with 'moderate' 'Palestinian' President Mahmoud Abbas Abu Mazen. President Mahmoud Abbas revealed he held four secret meetings with his Israeli counterpart Shimon Peres in a bid to revive stalled
No media bias in the US
There's no media bias in the US. None at all.
Abu Mazen's dream
In an earlier post, I noted , 'moderate' 'Palestinian' President Mahmoud Abbas Abu Mazen's demand to US Representatives for an apartheid state, and the lack of response from those members of the US House. Jonathan Tobin expands on Abu Mazen's dream of an ethnically cleansed 'Palestinian state.' For the PA, the desire to remove the Jews stems more from ideology than pragmatism. Palestinians
Un nuovo progetto SETI sul territorio francese: il Progetto Phoenix sugli UFO
Il Progetto Phoenix sarà un nuovo concetto del progetto SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) non governativo, che permetterà, attraverso il reperimento di fondi necessari per il suo funzionamento, la creazione nel territorio francese o di altra nazione di una Fondazione per la Ricerca Scientifica Internazionale unica al mondo, il cui scopo sarà quello della scoperta dell'esatta natura degli UFO.
"Non è mai esistito e mai esisterà nella grande avventura per l'umanità quello di aver successo in questa fondamentale ricerca di prove formali dell'esistenza o meno di vita nell'Universo al di fuori della Terra. La risposta a questa domanda fondamentale, che passa attraverso la risoluzione finale del problema UFO, sarà quella di offrire al mondo una delle più grandi scoperte scientifiche e filosofiche di tutti tempi. Come tale, il dossier UFO è il materiale scientifico più importante che la Terra abbia mai conosciuto", ha dichiarato Serge Tinland, fondatore del Progetto Phoenix.
L'attuale programma SETI non dovrebbe concentrarsi esclusivamente allo Spazio, ascoltando le stelle, ma dovrebbe essere principalmente rivolto verso la Terra, alla ricerca di manufatti esotici tecnologici (di qualsiasi tipo e facendo indagini direttamente sul campo) potenzialmente presenti all'interno di strati archeologici, geologici e dall'attento studio del materiale per comprendere le origini dell'Umanità, prendendo spunto (tra l'altro) da una materia poco considerata e utilizzata: la Paleoastronautica.
Questa nuova ricerca si chiamerà SETAV (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Artefact and Visitation) ed è basata al tempo stesso al protocollo SETV (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Visitation or Search for Extra-Terrestrial Signals in the Solar System or Earth-based) e al protocollo SETA (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Artefacts or Search for Extra-Terrestrial Artefacts in the Solar System or Earth-based).
Questa Fondazione diverrà un laboratorio di riferimento, a livello internazionale, nel campo tecno-scientifico applicato allo studio del dossier UFO, impiegando a tempo pieno scienziati ricercatori con curriculum rilevanti e riconosciuti nei loro campi di studio. Questo permetterà di consegnare a tutti gli scienziati, ingegneri, tecnici e ricercatori tutti i mezzi necessari e più moderni affinchè venga raggiunto lo scopo della loro missione: portare alla luce, una volta per tutte, l'esatta natura degli UFO ed informare le nazioni di tutto il mondo attraverso l'Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite e tramite tutti i sistemi di comunicazione a livello internazionale: stampa, radio, televisione, internet.
La Fondazione si baserà, una volta resa operativa, su 30 dipartimenti specializzati UMR's (Mixed Research Units) e guidata da diversi laboratori. Per cominciare ci si baserà su uno staff permanente di minimo 5 ed un massimo di 30 persone.
Il primo scopo sarà, come anticipato sopra, quello della ricerca di prove formali della reale e fisica natura - o meno - degli UFO.
Dopo, se la reale natura fisica degli UFO venisse confermata, l'obiettivo finale del Progetto Phoenix sarà quello di determinare definitivamente e scientificamente se questi UFO sono, nel loro modo di muoversi, legati in parte ad una forma di intelligenza non specificata. E, una volta confermato ciò, se questa intelligenza sia direttamente legata agli esseri umani, attività terrestre legata ai militari o connessi, in parte, alla persistenza presenza di attività extraterrestre sul nostro pianeta.
L'importanza del dossier UFO parla da sè. Fino ad oggi, più di trenta paesi al mondo con le competenti autorità (civili, militari, governative, d'intelligence,...) si sono interessate al fenomeno, nella massima discrezione, dalla fine della Seconda Guerra mondiale.
La risposta ad alcune delle nostre domande riguardanti l'origine e la natura degli UFO sarà per il Progetto Phoenix un importante passa avanti nella comprensione del mondo che ci circonda.
La scoperta permetterà all'Umanità, qualunque sia l'origine e la natura degli UFO, di mettere a punto un nuovo sistema di energia e propulsione.
Tale scoperta e la relativa divulgazione al mondo significherà che potremmo fare a meno del petrolio, gas, carbone e altri metodi tradizionali e - improvvisamente - potremmo vedere la fine dell'economia e della geopolitica basate sulla risorse petrolifere, risorse queste così fragili oggi e, ancora peggio, in un futuro molto vicino.
La completa divulgazione di tali potenziali scoperte permetterà all'Umanità di creare una civiltà sostenibile, senza dover subire - per esempio - il riscaldamento globale, tra l'altro quasi totalmente derivato dal petrolio e dai suoi derivati oppure senza permettere il totale controllo di cibo, sia sugli alimenti di base che dell'acqua, una fonte essenziale di tutta la vita su questo pianeta.
Quindi una nuova era, un nuovo paradigma che offrirà la nuova linea di ricerca SETI in Francia, il Progetto Phoenix.
Articolo e ricerca effettuata da Antonio De Comite
Sito del Progetto Phoenix (link)
Descrizione del funzionamento del Progetto Phoenix con annesse strumentazioni che verranno utilizzate per la ricerca atmosferica e subacquea (link)
Biografia di Serge Tinland fondatore del Progetto Phoenix (link)
Relazione di Serge Tinland tenuta alla 3AF (Associazione Aeronautica e Astronautica di Francia) (link)
Ufo e Militari,
Ufo e Scienza,
UFO nella Storia
Jewish American kidnapped in Pakistan
I saw several tweets last night that indicated that an American had been abducted by Muslims in Lahore, Pakistan. I only saw one that indicated that the victim is a Jew. An American Jew was abducted by gunmen who broke into his house in the eastern Pakistani city of Lahore on Saturday, the Associated Press reports.
The US Embassy identified the victim as Warren Weinstein. According to reports
The US Embassy identified the victim as Warren Weinstein. According to reports
Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011
Allen West: 'Ron Paul is not the kind of guy to be sitting at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Representative Allen West (R-Fla) tells a tea party gathering that isolationist Ron Paul (R-Tx) is not the man we want sitting at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Let's go to the videotape (Hat Tip: The Shark Tank).
The more I see of Allen West, the more I like him.
Let's go to the videotape (Hat Tip: The Shark Tank).
The more I see of Allen West, the more I like him.
Allen West,
Campaign 2012,
Ron Paul,
Tea Party
Corona Corona
PC, a friend of the Rag, sent in this photo of a receipt from Living Dolls Showcase. It shows the price of a single Corona beer.
Old Asia Hands will tell you that Bt500 once bought you anything you wanted in this town and I mean anything. Now it's just 2 Corona!!!!
Bt220 is in excess of US$7 in the real world. Does anybody know of a more expensive beer in Pattaya?
More than just stupidity?
This is the first live post of the weekend. If you followed me on Twitter, you would know already that the reason for this is that I took the wrong computer to the hospital on Saturday night.
You will recall that this past week I covered the story of the White House 'cleansing' its web site from references to Jerusalem, Israel.
I treated that story as yet another instance of the rank amateurism
You will recall that this past week I covered the story of the White House 'cleansing' its web site from references to Jerusalem, Israel.
I treated that story as yet another instance of the rank amateurism
Obama competing with Carter
Here's Barack Hussein Obama competing with Jimmy Carter on yet another front. Confidence among U.S. consumers plunged in August to the lowest level since May 1980, adding to concern that weak employment gains and volatility in the stock market will prompt households to retrench.
The Thomson Reuters/University of Michigan preliminary index of consumer sentiment slumped to 54.9 from 63.7 the prior
The Thomson Reuters/University of Michigan preliminary index of consumer sentiment slumped to 54.9 from 63.7 the prior
Can Assad be forced out?
Here's an interesting take from Paul Pillar that might explain why the Obama administration has not called for throwing out Bashar al-Assad.Even if regime change is the goal, another requirement to make meaningful any discussion of sanctions—or use of any other policy tool—is some specificity about how the current regime will go. Regime change encompasses a very wide range of scenarios, after
Caroline Glick blasts the neocons but Obama is worse
Shavua tov, a good week to everyone.
This post is being written on Friday afternoon. Posting may be sporadic again tonight as I am spending the night as the companion to my friend's son and son-in-law (two different friends have a son and a daughter who married each other), who is in isolation in Hadassah Hospital after having a bone marrow transplant this past week.
Please pray for Moshe
This post is being written on Friday afternoon. Posting may be sporadic again tonight as I am spending the night as the companion to my friend's son and son-in-law (two different friends have a son and a daughter who married each other), who is in isolation in Hadassah Hospital after having a bone marrow transplant this past week.
Please pray for Moshe
Champagne Corkers
There have been quite a few comments on PR about Champagne A-Go-Go of late so I thought a few mug shots might help you understand what all the chatter is about.
This is just a few of the many top girls working in Champagne. For a change, the girls look better in the flesh than in the photos. Also five new stars start work next week so hopefully I can get some photos for the Rag.
This is just a few of the many top girls working in Champagne. For a change, the girls look better in the flesh than in the photos. Also five new stars start work next week so hopefully I can get some photos for the Rag.
Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011
Sabbath music video
In this week's Torah portion, we read the first paragraph of the Shma prayer, which is to be said by each Jew at least twice daily - morning and evening. (We actually say it four times: once before morning prayers, once during morning prayers, once during evening prayers and once before retiring for the night).
Here's Erez Yechiel with Shma Yisrael.
Let's go to the videotape.
Shabbat Shalom
Here's Erez Yechiel with Shma Yisrael.
Let's go to the videotape.
Shabbat Shalom
Erez Yechiel,
Sabbath music video,
Shma Yisrael
September scenarios: Israeli police to be unarmed?
Haaretz is reporting that Israel's police are going to evict the tent cities sprouting up around the country by the end of the month, in order to free up resources to deal with 'Palestinian' rioters in September. It should be noted at the outset that Haaretz's report on this issue seems like pure conjecture.
Three thousand, three hundred and eighty-three tents. That was the figure national police
Three thousand, three hundred and eighty-three tents. That was the figure national police
LATMA tribal update: Remembering Gush Katif, Elhanan is interrogated, the raven who would be king
Here's the weekly LATMA update. The three featured skits are a song in memory of Gush Katif, Elhanan is interrogated by Israel's thought police and the raven who would be king.
Let's go to the videotape.
Let's go to the videotape.
The 'Lady' throws a tantrum
EU Foreign Policy chief Catherine Ashton had about the expected reaction to the news that Israel is going to build 1,600 new homes in its capital city. European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton on Friday said she "regrets" hearing of Eli Yishai's decision about the Ramat Shlomo construction, saying that such moves threaten the two-state solution.
The EU official said in a statement
The EU official said in a statement
Abu Bluff tells visiting US Representatives he seeks an apartheid state, gets no response
At a meeting in Ramallah on Thursday with US Representatives, 'moderate' 'Palestinian' President Mahmoud Abbas Abu Mazen said that he is seeking an apartheid state. Shamefully, if any of the Representatives had any comment on that idea, we have not been told about it. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas met Thursday with a US Democratic Congressional delegation currently visiting the
IDF looks to buy US surplus weapons in Iraq
When the US withdraws from Iraq, shipping all the army's equipment back to the US would probably make no economic sense. So Israel has made a proposal: It will buy much of the equipment that the US has in Iraq. The Defense Ministry is in talks with the Pentagon about the possibility of buying American military equipment that will be retired following the US withdrawal from Iraq.
The advantage
The advantage
Turkey preparing for war with Syria?
There are several ways one could take this article, but the bottom line is that Turkey believes that it will need troops to handle some sort of confrontation with Syria in the foreseeable future, whether as part of NATO or to protect refugees from Syria, or for some other reason. In anticipation of what is expected to be a massive influx of Syrian refugees, Turkey has taken extraordinary measures
Bashar al-Assad,
Syrian uprising,
Keep exposing Norway's hate-mongering
Manfred Gerstenfeld has a plan to defeat Norway's Orwellian hate-mongering. Deputy Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide wrote last Friday in The Jerusalem Post: “We have a proven track record of committing our political, financial and military resources to peace-building activities around the world, where combating both terrorism and the causes of terrorism are important objectives.”
If George
If George
BTS Skytrain extension officially open for business
The long-awaited BTS Skytrain extension from Sukhumvit's Onnut station to Soi Bearing in Samut Prakan is now up and running.
The new stations on the Onnut to Soi Bearing route, between Sukhumvit sois 105 and 107, are Bang Chak, Punnawithee, Udomsuk, Bang Na and Bearing.
BTS Skytrain extension officially open for business | CNNGo.com
BTS Skytrain extension officially open for business | CNNGo.com
Ed - When you go uo to Bangkok from Pattaya by bus instead of jumping off at On Nut to get on the Skytrain you will be able to jump off at the start of Sukhumvit in Bangna. Should chop at least 15mins off the journey to Bangkok. Now all they need to do is modernise the buses. The ones used on the Bangkok - Pattaya route must be the oldest in Thailand.
Poor Menachem: Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory
Israel's leadership has a long and painful history of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Here are some examples. Thus, the sweeping strategic advantages, won in victories of the Six Day War, have been foolishly squandered.
The Sinai Peninsula with its strategic depth, mineral wealth and economic potential is now deteriorating into a lawless “no-go” region, rapidly falling under the
The Sinai Peninsula with its strategic depth, mineral wealth and economic potential is now deteriorating into a lawless “no-go” region, rapidly falling under the
Anwar Sadat,
Gaza expulsion,
Menachem Begin,
Yehuda Avner
Kamis, 11 Agustus 2011
Your tax dollars at work: US sends aid money to Gaza, now Hamas wants to 'audit' the NGO's who pass it on
You probably all figured (as I did) that since Hamas took over, the US doesn't send any aid money directly to Gaza (only indirectly via the 'Palestinian Authority' and UNRWA). But the New York Times reported on Thursday that the US is threatening to suspend aid to Gaza, and that means they've been sending it directly until now. And the reason for the suspension? This is rich: Hamas wants to '
Good cop, bad cop
The 'Palestinians' tried to play the good cop, bad cop game with Congress this week, with unelected Prime Minister Salam Fayyad playing the good cop and 'moderate' 'Palestinian' President Mahmoud Abbas Abu Mazen playing the bad cop. The Palestinian leadership sent mixed messages to a Democratic Congressional delegation visiting Ramallah, with Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad
1949 armistice lines,
Abu Mazen,
negotiations without preconditions,
Palestinian state RIGHT NOW syndrome,
Salam Fayyad,
settlement freeze,
Steny Hoyer,
unilateral declaration of statehood
State Department gives MEMRI $200,000
MEMRI has received a $200,000 grant from the US State Department. “The Department of State’s Office of International Religious Freedom in the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor awarded a $200,000 grant to the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) to conduct a project that documents anti-Semitism, Holocaust denial and Holocaust glorification in the Middle East. This grant will
Israel Television interviews Glenn Beck
Here's an interview that Israel Television did with Glenn Beck for its Ro'im Olam (Seeing the World) show when he was here in July. Some of this is in Hebrew, but most of it is in English with Hebrew subtitles.
Let's go to the videotape.
Let's go to the videotape.
Eager beaver reporter says Israel building 1,600 new 'settlements'
An overeager reporter/blogger has reported on a major website (the home of Jeffrey Goldberg) that Israel is going to build 1,600 new 'settlements' (if only... ) under the approval that was given on Thursday. This is going to be a screen cap rather than a cut and paste.
Note the first sentence.
If you look at the link I provided above, you will see that the post itself was also originally
Note the first sentence.
If you look at the link I provided above, you will see that the post itself was also originally
Overnight music video
After having posts today about Jewish unity, on the one hand, and baseless hatred, on the other, let's talk a bit about Mashiach (the Messiah). Here are Shloime Dachs and his son Dovid singing Anovim.
Let's go to the videotape.
Let's go to the videotape.
Jimmy Carter redeemed?
From the American Spectator: For over thirty years a wounded Jimmy Carter has roamed the world speaking ill of whomever the sitting president might be and occasionally making it difficult for that president to make policy. Obama has already surpassed him, speaking ill of America as a whole while being president. In Strasbourg, France, on April 3, 2009, he said, "Instead of celebrating our dynamic
Rocket science, Hamas style
How many of you remember Dirar Abu Sisi, the Hamas rocket scientist that the Mossad somehow found on a train in the Ukraine? It's been a few months since we heard about him, but it seems that Mr. Abu Sisi has learned how to sing, and he's been singing quite a lot lately.... The Beersheba Magistrate's Court released sections of the investigation by security forces of Abu Sisi for publication on
Dirar Abu Sesi,
Hamas rockets,
Smoking gun: The New York Times' etrog
Twenty years ago next Friday night, Mrs. Carl and I and our four children, and my wife's niece who had spent the summer as our mother's helper, boarded an El Al flight from New York's Kennedy airport to Tel Aviv. For Mrs. Carl and me and our American-born children, this was our aliya flight. We immigrated to Israel that night. It was August 19, 1991, the 8th day of the Jewish month of Elul.
Baseless hatred
If you don't live here, it might be hard to imagine how much resentment there is against Haredim (ultra-Orthodox) in this country. Where I grew up, there were very few Jews and even fewer religious Jews, and we all stuck together. It's not like that here. Seth Frantzman is spot-on. Today, with the housing protests that have swept the country, it is worthwhile to pause and ponder one type of
Netanyahu won't be the first
The Shmuel Katz blog reports that if Prime Minister Netanyahu caves in to President Obama and agrees to 'negotiations' based on the 1949 armistice lines, he will join a long line of Israeli leaders who abandoned reasonable positions under American pressure.Unfortunately, Netanyahu joins a long list of backpedaling Israeli leaders whose talk doesn’t match up with their walk. In “Surrender to
Enough is enough: Tzipi go home!
I'm not the only one who didn't like Tzipi Livni's interview with Jeffrey Goldberg last weekend. Isi Leibler says that it's time for Israel's chief opportunist to resign. Livni’s eruption was unconscionable. I was amongst those calling on both the Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition to set aside their personal and political ambitions and form a unity government to promote the
Turkey helping Iran beat sanctions
Here's yet another reason why sanctions against Iran are not very effective: A state-owned Indian oil company has announced that it is paying its bills for Iranian oil via a state-owned bank in Turkey (Hat Tip: Joshua I). India's top state-run refiner, Indian Oil Corp Ltd, said on Wednesday it had begun paying its debt to Iran for oil imports and would clear an outstanding of 380 million euros
Iran sanctions regime,
Iranian oil,
How To Get Around In Hawaii
How to get Around in Hawaii
A very different Tisha b'Av
Michael Eisenberg is a well-known venture capitalist who spent the night of Tisha b'Av in the tent city on Rothschild Boulevard in Tel Aviv and the end of the fast at the Kotel (Western Wall) several hours after I was there. I spent the evening of Tisha B'av with the tent protest on Rothschild Street in Tel Aviv. I brought 3 of my children and 4 of their teenage friends to what was a very
The difference between criticizing Israel and being anti-Israel
Isi Leibler explains the difference between criticizing Israel and being anti-Israel, and why J Street clearly falls into the latter category. The dividing lines between J Street and mainstream Jewish groups are not its views, but its efforts to convince Americans to encourage President Barack Obama to pressure the Israeli government. It is surely unconscionable for trendy American Jews to
WaPo demands that Obama lead or something
The Washington Post (no, you won't see this from the New York Times) is demanding that the Obama administration step up and lead the charge to get Bashar al-Assad to stop murdering his own people and quit. It is therefore worrying that the international response, though improving, remains inconsistent. Turkey is the leading example: Its prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has condemned Mr.
Il MoD britannico declassifica altri files sugli UFO
Il Ministero della Difesa britannico ha rilasciato nuovi files - prima classificati - sugli UFO e i documenti sono stati inseriti online sul sito del National Archives.
I documenti coprono un periodo di avvistamenti che vanno dal 1985 al 2007.
In uno di questi files rilasciati, un ufficiale militare prevedeva incredulità e imbarazzo se il pubblico avesse scoperto, per l'assenza di indagini sulle migliaia di segnalazioni UFO rivevute, una "mancanza di fondi e priorità più elevate".
I 34 files rilasciati includono avvistamenti di luci sopra Glastonbury e di un "disco volante" sopra Nottinghamshire.
Il consulente del National Archives, il dottor David Clark (ndr professore di giornalismo presso la Sheffield Hallam University e non uno scienziato) ha dichiato che "uno dei documenti più interessanti inseriti online riguarda un ufficiale dei servizi segreti, il quale afferma che nonostante le migliaia di segnalazioni ricevute a partire dalla Seconda Guerra Mondiale, non si è mai realizzato nessuno studio o spesi soldi e tempo per l'argomento...".
Inoltre Clark afferma che, riferendosi ad un memo proveniente dal DI55 (Defense Intelligence) Wing Commander e datato 5 luglio 1995, il ritratto mediatico fatto sul DI55 come "difensore della Terra contro la minaccia aliena" è "anni luce lontano dalla verità".
Un ex dipendente al Ministero della Difesa britannico e investigatore UFO Nick Pope ha affermato che "la cosa affascinante di questi documenti è quello di mostrare come nella società ci sia un enorme dibattito sugli UFO, e ciò è davvero interessante. Veniamo quindi visitati dagli alieni oppure è tutto frutto di sciocchezze?".
"Facevamo le stesse discussioni al Ministero della Difesa. Qualcuno pensava che l'argomento fosse uno spreco di tempo e di denaro, altri pensavano che gli UFO fossero di estrema importanza per la Difesa".
Rapporti di avvistamenti
Tra i vari documenti spicca quello del testimone Alex Birch, il quale contattò il Ministero della Difesa dopo aver scattato una serie di immagini di quello che sembrava un "disco volante" sopra il municipio di Retford, Nottinghamshire (vedi immagine sotto).
Nel luglio del 2004, il Ministero inviò le immagini al Defence Geographic and Imagery Intelligence Agency (DGIA).
Il rapporto d'agenzia affermava che "nessuna conclusione decisiva" poteva esser fatta dalle foto. Ma aggiunse che "può essere una coincidenza che il piano illuminato dell'oggetto passi attraverso il centro del fotogramma, indicando una possibile anomalia sull'obiettivo, come ad esempio una goccia di umidità".
Altri documenti includono la testimonianza, risalente al 2001, di un ex controllore di combattimento della RAF e un funzionario del Ministero della Difesa che raccontano di un incidente UFO, avvenuto nel Suffolk nel 1956.
L'ex controllore Freddie Wimbledon racconta di aerei di combattimento, lanciati in azione di "scramble" per intercettare un UFO apparso sul radar e da persone a terra della base RAF di Lakenheath. Vi si legge che un aereo da caccia agganciò il misterioso oggetto "seguendo ogni sua mossa", prima della scomparsa dell'UFO a "velocità terrificante".
L'ufficiale in pensione del MoD Ralph Noyes descrisse che vennero mostrati filmati dell'UFO girati dall'aereo.
"Guizzanti attorno al cielo"
Un altro documento descrive un avvistamento del 2003, dove madre e figlia videro un "UFO a forma di verme, guizzare attorno al cielo" sopra East Dulwich, a sud est di Londra.
Nello loro testimonianza al Ministero della Difesa, due uomini "in tute spaziali e occhiali scuri che si facevano chiamare Mork e Mindy (ndr come il famoso telefilm)" furono visti anche da ufficiali della Polizia presenti sulla scena.
Una lettera della donna in seguito descriveva la sua lamentela in quando, a suo dire, sarebbero state indottrinate con "un sacco di spazzatura", probabilmente per farle sembrare stupide e la loro storia incredibile.
Il Ministero della Difesa ha riferito che gli ufficiali di Polizia potrebbero non aver visto nulla nel cielo è "ha concluso con la possibilità che fosse un riflesso di una stella e un lampione della sua finestra".
Gli esperti hanno concluso che gli avvistamenti di luci nel cielo, accaduti nell'estate del 2006, erano probabilmente lanterne cinesi.
I documenti declassificati saranno online per un mese.
Traduzione, adattamento e sintesi a cura di Antonio De Comite
Archivio online dei documenti declassifiati dal MoD britannico
Lebanon Hezbullah tells STL they can't find the killers
The Hezbullah-dominated Lebanese government has told the Special Tribunal for Lebanon that it cannot find the four senior Hezbullah officials who have been indicted for the murder of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri in 2005. Lebanon informed the U.N.-backed court investigating the 2005 assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri Tuesday that it has so far failed to arrest
Iran to name street after Rachel Corrie
The city council of Tehran has announced that it will name a street in Tehran after American 'peace activist' Rachel Corrie. The City Council of Tehran has announced that a street in the Iranian capital will be named after the American activist, Rachel Corrie, Press TV reported with reference to Fars news agency.
During a session on Tuesday, the council ratified a proposal to name a street after
During a session on Tuesday, the council ratified a proposal to name a street after
No apology to Turkey
The Israeli government has decided to look out for Israel, and as a result has left Barack Hussein Obama holding the bag. Obama deserves it.
The Obama administration convinced Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman to agree not to bring down the government in the event that Israel apologized to Turkey for the Mavi Marmara incident. But Netanyahu decided not to apologize anyway (the Israeli media is
The Obama administration convinced Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman to agree not to bring down the government in the event that Israel apologized to Turkey for the Mavi Marmara incident. But Netanyahu decided not to apologize anyway (the Israeli media is
Avigdor Lieberman,
Barack Hussein Obama,
Binyamin Netanyahu,
Mavi Marmara,
Turkish obsession with Israel
Obama scrapes bottom, digs
This has nothing to do with Israel, but it is so despicable it simply has to be shared. Just when you thought he could not possibly sink any lower, America's photo-op surprises. The remains of the 30 Americans killed in the recent crash in AFPak returned to the US today, and that return was the occasion for a cynical photo-op that ignored the wishes of both the Pentagon and the fallen warrior's
Finally: Israel to build 4,300 housing units in Jerusalem
On Wednesday night, Prime Minister Netanyahu had what his office described as a 'friendly' phone conversation with American President Barack Hussein Obama. When Obama awakens on Thursday morning, he is likely to be in a much fouler mood 9and he might have even been awakened during the night in Washington to hear about this: Interior Minister Eli Yishai gave final approval on Thursday to the
Barack Hussein Obama,
Binyamin Netanyahu,
Campaign 2012,
Givat HaMatos,
Palestinian state RIGHT NOW syndrome,
Pisgat Zev,
Ramat Shlomo,
settlement freeze,
unilateral declaration of statehood,
US veto
The UN's anti-Israel 'anti-discimination' czar
Anne Bayefsky reports that the United Nations' chief 'human rights officer,' Navi Pillay, is doing all she can to make sure that September's Durban III conference is unyieldingly anti-Israel. For Pillay, championing the Durban conference and its manifesto, the Durban Declaration, is a personal crusade. A native of Durban herself, shortly after her appointment she explained to a Geneva audience
Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011
David Cameron gets his comeuppance
You know things are going badly in Britain when Iran presses the Bobbies to 'show restraint' and Libya says that British Prime Minister David Cameron has lost legitimacy and should resign.
Talk about the pots calling the kettle black...
Talk about the pots calling the kettle black...
MSNBC does the news in Ebonics
Please forgive me for posting something that is way off topic, but any stab at the mainstream media is worth taking in my book. Beside that, I lived in the New York City area when the Tawana Brawley case was all the rage, and have been waiting for years for Al Sharpton to get his comeuppance.
Sharpton has lost weight from how I remember him in the '80's and early '90's, but he hasn't gained any
Sharpton has lost weight from how I remember him in the '80's and early '90's, but he hasn't gained any
Al Sharpton,
mainstream media,
Overnight music video
This post was supposed to go up at 3:24 am but did not because Blogger was down for maintenance. I am re-posting it.
It's the first overnight music video in more than three weeks, it's the day after we finished our annual mourning period for the Temple, and we're now heading for a three-week frenzy of weddings.
Can anyone guess what I'm going to play tonight?
Here's Yaakov
It's the first overnight music video in more than three weeks, it's the day after we finished our annual mourning period for the Temple, and we're now heading for a three-week frenzy of weddings.
Can anyone guess what I'm going to play tonight?
Here's Yaakov
'Palestinians' preparing for 'peaceful demonstrations' in September
Here are 'Palestinian police' in training for the 'peaceful demonstrations' they expect in September. Yes, this is the picture that went with the full article, which is here.
'Nuff said.
'Nuff said.
Flytilla 'activist' sneaks camera into Israeli prison
Here's a video from Al Jazeera - after the bit about most Jewish Americans being more sympathetic to Muslim Americans than are people of the major Christian denominations (certain notable Jewish American Islamophobes notwithstanding) comes an interview (from 2:40 to 12:05) with a persistent Israel-hater and Flytilla activist from Wales via Ireland called D. Murphy (who has performed such
'Preparing for peace': 'Palestinian Authority' Television 'Best Mothers' program visits suicide terrorist's mother
In preparation for 'peaceful coexistence' with Israel, and in honor of Ramadamadan 'Palestinian Authority' Television's Best Mothers program visits the mother of a suicide terrorist. On occasion of the Ramadan, PA TV has launched a new program called The Best Mothers. Every day, the edited 10-minute program shows a different Palestinian mother in her home, talking about her children.
Last week,
Last week,
Ethnic cleansing, an Obamanation
In an earlier post, I reported that the White House had cleansed its web site from pictures referencing "Jerusalem, Israel."
That post only showed one altered picture. Here is a video with several more.
Let's go to the videotape (the person who sent this did not give me a name so I cannot give them a hat tip).
That post only showed one altered picture. Here is a video with several more.
Let's go to the videotape (the person who sent this did not give me a name so I cannot give them a hat tip).
How's this for disingenuous?
With all of Israel now knowing that he's one of the people financing the 'tent city' in Tel Aviv, S. Daniel Abraham tells the Jerusalem Post that the protests are 'not political.' Channel 10 led its newscast Tuesday night with an interview with Abraham admitting that he supported the protests financially and speaking about a motive of wanting to support the peace process and oppose settlement
US slaps sanctions on Syria, Assad laughs
As Bashar al-Assad's army killed 15 more Syrians on Wednesday, the United States sanctioned the Syrian dictator, which probably gave him a good laugh. Syrian forces killed 15 civilians in the city of Homs on Wednesday, an activists' group said, despite international calls for President Bashar Assad to end a bloody crackdown on protests against his rule.
The United States said the world was
The United States said the world was
White House cleanses website of 'Jerusalem, Israel'
Daniel Halper posts 'before' and 'after' pictures from the White House website. In preparation for the argument of the Zivotofsky case before the Supreme Court, and in preparation for the UN General Assembly, the White House is cleansing its website of references to "Jerusalem, Israel." Note the captions.
Yes, even the White House recognizes (or did until Tuesday afternoon when
Yes, even the White House recognizes (or did until Tuesday afternoon when
Over 150 Italian parliamentarians sign letter opposing 'Palestinian' unilateralism
Led by Fiamma Nirenstein, over 150 Italian MP's have signed on to a petition opposing planned 'Palestinian' unilateralism at the UN in September. The same letter has been presented in several States worldwide by the International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians, chaired by Italian MP Fiamma Nirenstein.
The document, launched in Italy by the board of the Italy-Israel Parliamentary Friendship
The document, launched in Italy by the board of the Italy-Israel Parliamentary Friendship
A land grab at Hussein's palace
In 1972, when I made my first trip to Israel, the tour guide proudly took us to Hussein's palace. Hussein's palace, pictured at top left, was being constructed by Jordan's King Hussein when he foolishly entered the Six-Day War in 1967. It was never finished.
The unfinished palace sits on a high hilltop with a commanding view of the city. It can be seen from many parts of northeastern Jerusalem.
The unfinished palace sits on a high hilltop with a commanding view of the city. It can be seen from many parts of northeastern Jerusalem.
At heart, Israel is a Marxist country
For those of you trying to understand our 'housing protests' (which he cleverly dubs 'Woodstock on the Yarkon), Steven Plaut has some helpful explanations. Yet those very same Israelis, who demonstrate every day their skills in succeeding in markets, hate markets. The word “socialism” carries enormously romantic and positive implications for Israelis. Especially among educated (non-Russian-born)
housing crisis,
Israeli economy,
Israeli taxes,
'Vinegar the son of wine'
In a post four years ago, I explained that the Talmud refers to a wicked person who is the son of a righteous person as 'vinegar the son of wine.' Here's another example: J Street's Jeremy Ben Ami. Ben-Ami’s paternal grandparents were, indeed, Zionist heroes. At great personal risk they moved from Czarist Russia to the Land of Israel as part of the First Aliyah (wave of immigration) of the late
J Street,
Jeremy Ben Ami,
Peter Bregson,
Tel Aviv,
Yitzhak Ben Ami
Syrian defense minister resurrected?
Left for dead on Tuesday, ousted Syrian Defense Minister Ali Habib (middle) appeared on Syrian television on Wednesday (Hat Tip: Soccer Dad). Former Syrian Defense Minister Ali Habib appeared on Syrian state-owned television Wednesday in order to dispel rumors of his death, which were published by websites affiliated with Syrian opposition groups.
"My health condition has kept me from
"My health condition has kept me from
Barack Obama and Tisha b'Av
In my post explaining Tisha b'Av (the 9th day of the Jewish month of Av) on Monday, I listed several tragedies that befell the Jewish people on that day. I missed one. Yid With Lid fills it in. In 2004, Barack Obama Gave the Keynote speech at the Democratic Convention on Tisha B'av and was crowned the heir apparent of the Democratic Party. He has proven to be the most anti-Israel
Video: 150 Egged bus drivers sing and dance
Here's a video made by 150 Egged bus drivers from the Jerusalem - Talpiyot garage. The video is being used to inaugurate Egged's new internal website http://egged02.co.il. I sure hope that website works better than their website for the public, which is impossibly slow and tedious to use.
Let's go to the videotape (Hat Tip: Lance K).
No, I don't think the kids in the lime green t-shirts and
Let's go to the videotape (Hat Tip: Lance K).
No, I don't think the kids in the lime green t-shirts and
Video: Leiby Kletzky: Yosef HaTzadik (Joseph the righteous) in our times
This video was sent to me during the three weeks, but I told the person who sent it that I would not run music videos at that time, even though it's a capella (without instruments) and therefore technically permitted. I did promise to run it this afternoon.
I watched it this afternoon for the first time. It's very moving. The following is a song made by Jewish Star Winner Yisrael Amar dealing
I watched it this afternoon for the first time. It's very moving. The following is a song made by Jewish Star Winner Yisrael Amar dealing
Video: Act naturally
Now that it's after mid-day in Israel, here's a cute video about how the 'Palestinians' act naturally.
Let's go to the videotape (Hat Tip: Huffington Post Monitor).
Let's go to the videotape (Hat Tip: Huffington Post Monitor).
The coming intifada
Jonathan Schanzer discusses the likelihood of another 'Palestinian' intifada (uprising) when the bid for unilateral 'statehood' fails in September. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, architect of the statehood drive, is also pushing for the protests. With plans to retire soon, he views the UN maneuver as his legacy to the Palestinian cause.
He insists that the rallies be peaceful -- but, as
He insists that the rallies be peaceful -- but, as
Why the IDF won't deploy Iron Dome in the Gaza envelope
Since I mentioned the Supreme Court ruling on Iron Dome in the previous post (below), I want to talk a bit about why the IDF does not want to deploy Iron Dome in the Gaza envelope.
Here's a bit more about the ruling first. In its High Court petition, the Eshkol Regional Council argued that the government should be ordered to deploy the Iron Dome to protect communities in the so-called “Gaza
Here's a bit more about the ruling first. In its High Court petition, the Eshkol Regional Council argued that the government should be ordered to deploy the Iron Dome to protect communities in the so-called “Gaza
If this winds up in the High Court of Justice...
If this winds up in Israel's High Court of Justice, we could have a major problem.
The Association of Civil Rights in Israel (our version of the ACLU) has called on Defense Minister Ehud Barak to allow the 'Palestinians' to 'demonstrate' in September. In particular, they want the army and the police to apply civilian rather than military law in dealing with the 'demonstrations' that are likely
The Association of Civil Rights in Israel (our version of the ACLU) has called on Defense Minister Ehud Barak to allow the 'Palestinians' to 'demonstrate' in September. In particular, they want the army and the police to apply civilian rather than military law in dealing with the 'demonstrations' that are likely
Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011
S. Daniel Abraham financing 'tent cities'
In an Israel Radio interview in the 8:00-9:00 hour this morning, protest leader Stav Shafir admitted to Israel Radio's Keren Neubach that American millionaire and peace process promoter S. Daniel Abraham has financed some of the 'social justice' demonstrations that have taken place in Israel over the last few weeks. Abraham admitted the same thing on Tuesday night.
S. Daniel Abraham founded and
S. Daniel Abraham founded and
'Palestinian Authority' furious over satire on 'Palestinian' television
This should be fun. 'Palestinian Authority' Television did a satire of the 'Palestinian police' and - get this - the police want to sue them. Palestine TV’s controversial satire show, Watan ala Watar (Homeland on a String), has angered the Palestinian Authority police force in the West Bank, whose commanders have decided to sue the station for libel.
The police are furious with the satire –
The police are furious with the satire –
Jewish shopkeepers in Melbourne feel safer
Jewish shopkeepers in Melbourne, Australia are feeling a bit safer today. Here's why.
What to do with your leftover Challah
What do you do with your leftover Challah? My wife tries really hard not to have any. My mother-in-law makes it into French Toast for my kids. In Tottenham, England, they have a different idea.
Let's go to the videotape (Hat Tip: The JC).
And for the record, according to someone who was there, the Challah was being given to camera crews and spectators - and not to rioters.
Let's go to the videotape (Hat Tip: The JC).
And for the record, according to someone who was there, the Challah was being given to camera crews and spectators - and not to rioters.
Where Anders Behring Breivik came from
Here's an interesting video that might give some indication of where Anders Behring Breivik came from. The video is a bit long - 18 minutes - but it's worth watching in full.
Let's go to the videotape (Hat Tip: Israellycool).
More at Jihad Watch.
Let's go to the videotape (Hat Tip: Israellycool).
More at Jihad Watch.
'Besieged' Gaza City gets another five-star hotel
Gaza City has another five-star hotel (the AP article below makes it sound like the only five-star hotel in Gaza, but we know that's not true). This hotel is called Arcmed Al Mashtal. Nearly all of the newly opened hotel's 222 rooms, decked out with ornate metal-worked lamps, flat screen televisions, oversized beds and sea views, sit empty. The tourists whom the developers expected to flood to
five-star hotel,
Gaza City,
Gaza plenty,
State Department: US 'deeply concerned' about - what else?
On Thursday, I reported that the City of Jerusalem gave final approval for the construction of 930 housing units to be added to the Jerusalem neighborhood of Har Homa. It took a few days, but the US State Department reacted to that report on Tuesday, expressing 'deep concern' (that would put us on the same level with Asssad murdering civilians... except that I can't even find 'deep concern' from
Islam's greatest invention
Islam has lots of great inventions, right? The suicide bomber. Destroying skyscrapers with 3,000 people still in them. But what's the greatest invention?
Let's go to the videotape (Hat Tip: Cheryl H).
Let's go to the videotape (Hat Tip: Cheryl H).
The real thing
I received this picture with a Hebrew caption (Hat Tip: Ariella Z). It says "In the framework of the summer camp for Norwegian youth at Utoya, counselors of the Norwegian Labor party organized a pretend flotilla to Gaza, in which participants boarded a rubber dinghie, donned kaffiyehs, waved 'Palestinian' flags and waved signs denigrating Israel and calling for 'freedom' for Gaza. In the
US welcomes Saudi withdrawal of ambassador to Syria, but....
At Monday's State Department briefing, spokesman Mark Toner said that the US welcomes Saudi Arabia's withdrawal of its ambassador to Syria, but.... the U.S. has no plans to do so. "This is a choice by any sovereign nation whether to recall its ambassador. It clearly sends a message to the government," said Toner. "For our part, we've talked about this last week and continue to believe that
Norway has banned Kosher animal slaughter since before the Nazis
The Norwegian government may be sorry today that they messed with Caroline Glick. And although she explicitly did not ask for one, they might consider an apology. Glick gives us a contemporary history lesson about Norwegian anti-Semitism. In a 2006 report on Jew hatred in contemporary Norwegian caricatures published by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, Erez Uriely noted among other things
Bombshell: Turkey calls on Assad to step down
Israel Television has just reported on Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu's visit to Syria on Tuesday. Neither Assad nor Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem greeted Davutoglu at the airport. Davutoglu met with Assad for five hours and told him that Turkey calls on him to step down and make a peaceful transition of power.
I have not seen confirmation of this report elsewhere.
I have not seen confirmation of this report elsewhere.
Ahmet Davutoglu,
Bashar al-Assad,
Syrian uprising,
Why Saudi Arabia withdrew its ambassador from Syria
In an earlier post, I reported that Saudi Arabia has withdrawn its ambassador from Syria. Brian Whitaker makes a good point about the Saudis' motivation. These are the strongest comments made so far by any Arab leader, and on that basis we should probably welcome them – especially if they encourage other countries in the region to take a stand. But, as one Twitter user noted, the king's
our friends the Saudis,
Syrian uprising
Could the end of Assad lead to a compromise on the Golan?
Eyal Zisser has a lengthy analysis of what the success of the Syrian uprising might mean for Israel. I urge you to read the whole thing. I want to particularly call your attention to this: The Syrian regime should be considered a strategic threat to Israel because Bashar al-Assad has sought to develop nuclear capabilities. He provided support to Hamas and Hizbullah - not the kind of support his
The red carpet that welcomes 'Palestinian leaders' in the West becomes a shabby rug in Arab countries
Yoram Ettinger points out an anomaly: 'Palestinian leaders' are warmly greeted in the West while the Arab countries treat them quite shabbily. Arab leaders have never considered the Palestinian issue their prime concern, but an intra-Arab tool and a pawn against Israel. They are aware of the subversive and treacherous history of the Arafat-Abu Mazen wing of the Palestinians, which was therefore
Another piece of solving the 'housing crisis'
Here's another thing we can do to free up some government money to deal with our 'housing crisis': Cut the number of government ministers. Chairman of the Movement for quality of Government Eli Sulam calls upon the PM and the ministers to declare that they are reducing the government to 18 ministers. This is to save tens of millions of shekels that can be diverted to public needs. “The
Jews assaulted on Temple Mount by Wakf on 9th of Av
A group of Jews who ascended the Temple Mount on Tisha b'Av (the 9th day of the Jewish month of Av) were assaulted by members of the Wakf, the Muslim religious guard that controls day-to-day affairs on the Mount. Jewish Leadership’ Likud faction leader Moshe Feiglin led a group onto the Temple Mount for their monthly ascent today, the 9th of Av. They were berated by a Moslem woman, who was joined
Assad has defense minister executed
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad had defense minister Ali Habib (middle in the picture at top left) executed within a day after he was fired, according to Syrian opposition websites. Habib was fired on Monday. Websites affiliated with Syrian opposition gropus reported on Tuesday that General Ali Habib was found dead in his home a day after he was dismissed as defense minister. On Monday, Syrian
Bashar al-Assad,
Hama Massacre,
Syrian uprising
NASA: trovate basi del DNA nei meteoriti
L'origine della vita sulla Terra potrebbe derivare da una fonte spaziale. E' ciò che hanno confermato gli scienziati del Goddard Space Flight Center .
"Abbiamo scoperti i componenti del DNA nei meteoriti dal 1960, ma i ricercatori non era sicuri se realmente provenissero dallo Spazio o se fossero stati causati da contaminazione di vita terrestre. Per la prima volta, abbiamo tre linee che ci danno fiducia nel confermare che questi mattoni del DNA si sono originati nello Spazio", ha affermato Michael Callahan principale autore dell'articolo sulla scoperta e pubblicato sulla rivista specializzata Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
La scoperta dimostra che le reazioni chimiche che si verificano negli asteroidi e nelle comete sono capaci di generare nucleotidi, le basi per la formazione di molecole biologiche, ha dichiarato la NASA sul suo sito web.
Il team del Goddard Space Flight Center ha scoperto adenina e guanina, due basi del DNA in 12 meteoriti raccolti in Antartide, così come ipoxantina e xantina, che non formano questa macromolecola però operano in altri processi biologici.
Anche in due meteoriti si incontrarono - per la prima volta - tracce di tre molecole relazionate con basi azotate: purine, 2,6 diaminopurina e 6,8 diaminopurina; gli ultimi due casi mai utilizzati in biologia. Questi composti hanno lo stesso nucleo delle basi azotate, però con una struttura di aggregati, secondo la NASA.
"Non mi aspetto di vedere basi azotate analoghe provenire dalla contaminazione di vita terrestre, perchè non sono comuni. Inoltre, se si ipotizza che gli asteroidi si comportino come fabbriche chimiche di materiale prebiotico, si può sperare che producano molte varianti di basi azotate, non solo biologiche, a causa della grande varietà di ingredienti e condizioni di ogni asteroide", ha riferito Callahan.
Come si è sicuri di ciò?
La seconda prova che conferma l'ipotesi dei ricercatori della NASA che le molecole provengono dallo Spazio si è trovata nei meteoriti trovati in Antartide.
La quantità delle due basi azotate, per di più ipoxantina e xantina, trovate nel ghiaccio era molto più bassa - parti per trilione - che nelle meteoriti, di solito presenti in varie parti per miliardo.
Ma, ancora più importante, nessuna delle analoghe basi azotate è stata riscontrata nel campione di ghiaccio. Uno dei meteoriti con simili molecole a basi azotate cadde in Australia, e il team di ricercatori analizzò un campione di suolo prelevato nel luogo della caduta. Come per il campione di ghiaccio, il campione al suolo non aveva molecole similari a basi azotate presente nel meteorite.
Inoltre, i ricercatori produssero in laboratorio le basi azotate, sia biologiche e similari, che assomigliavano ad una possibile reazione che avviene in questi corpi celesti.
"In laboratorio, una serie identica di basi azotate e similari si generò in reazioni chimiche non biologiche che contenevano acido cianidrico, ammoniaca e acqua. Ciò fornisce un meccanismo plausibile per la sintesi nel corpo asteroidale padre e supporta la tesi che siano extraterrestri. In realtà, pare, che ci sia una classe di meteoriti, denominati CM2, dove le condizioni sono ottimali per creare molte di queste molecole", conclude Callahan.
Traduzione e sintesi a cura di Antonio De Comite
Articolo approfondimento NASA (link)
Senin, 08 Agustus 2011
Imagine if Israel had a law like this
Can you imagine the New York Times being so respectful if Israel had a law like this on the books? The international edition of the Daily Show, a weekly compilation of the best clips from Jon Stewart’s news satire program, did not air in Britain two weeks ago, as has been well-documented by the blog Mediaite.
Perplexed viewers, seeking answers, quickly found that the apparent programming error
Perplexed viewers, seeking answers, quickly found that the apparent programming error
public servants
How to stop Assad
Writing in the New York Daily News, Benny Weinthal has a plan for how to stop Bashar al-Assad. Sadly, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay's recent comment that the "world is watching" sums up the failure of the international community to stop Assad's lethal assaults against Syrian protesters.
Just watching is not enough. A mix of potent sanctions, robust diplomatic action and a
Just watching is not enough. A mix of potent sanctions, robust diplomatic action and a
Oy vey: 'I can hardly remember a better period of US support for Israel'
Defense Minister Ehud Barak told Fox News' Greta van Sustern this week that he can hardly remember a better period of US support for Israel than the Obama administration (Note to Lefty blog Think Progress: Time to get a new picture. The one you used is from the 2008 campaign when Livni was Foreign Minister and Barak was Defense Minister). And now yet another pillar of the farce that has been
Beautiful House, Puslinch.
beautiful house, Puslinch.
Obama downgraded to "junk"
Following on the heels of Standard & Poors, the rating agency that made history by taking American treasuries down a peg to AA+, I am announcing another dubious financial first: President Obama has been downgraded to CCC, or what is commonly known on the Street as “junk.” Whether this will further roil the markets, or sink Obama’s chances in the next election remains to be seen. But looking
Tisha b'Av 5771
Monday night and Tuesday are Tisha b'Av, the ninth day of the Jewish month of Av, the saddest day on the Jewish calendar.
Five tragedies befell the Jewish people on Tisha b'Av in ancient times, the two most important of which were the destruction of the two Holy Temples:
- It was decreed that the generation which left Egypt would remain in the desert for 40 years and not enter the land of
Five tragedies befell the Jewish people on Tisha b'Av in ancient times, the two most important of which were the destruction of the two Holy Temples:
- It was decreed that the generation which left Egypt would remain in the desert for 40 years and not enter the land of
First Temple,
Gaza expulsion,
Second Temple,
Tisha b'Av
Obama has sabotaged the 'peace process'
Barry Rubin posts four questions and answers about the 'Palestinians' unilateral bid for a 'state' at the UN next month. Here's question 4. 4) What role Obama has played in this process? He looks less pro-Israel than other U.S. presidents?
While unintentionally, Obama has systematically sabotaged the process. There have been a long list of errors that explain the fact that while he has been
While unintentionally, Obama has systematically sabotaged the process. There have been a long list of errors that explain the fact that while he has been
Yaalon gets Turkey
At least someone in this government gets Turkey: Moshe "Boogie" Yaalon (Hat Tip: Joshua I). Deputy Prime Minister Moshe Ya'alon voiced disapproval Monday over Turkey's demand that Israel issue an apology for its role in the 2010 Mavi Marmara incident in which nine activists were killed as the IDF intercepted the ship. Speaking to Israel Radio, the deputy prime minister called the request "rude."
Mavi Marmara,
Turkish obsession with Israel
Bushehr delayed again
The opening of the Bushehr nuclear power plant has been delayed once again. Maybe even the Russians have realized that allowing Iran to have nuclear weapons is a danger to the world? (Hat Tip: Challah Hu Akhbar). The reformist Aftab daily on Monday quotes Asgar Jalalian, a member of the parliament's special committee on the plant, as saying that Iran has already paid at least twice the expected
Why Honduras is voting for 'Palestinian' statehood
Two years ago, the United States backed Hugo Chavez-admirer Manuel Zelaya in his bid to become President for Life in Honduras. Now, the elected government of Honduras, led by Porfrio Lobo (pictured) has announced that it will back the 'Palestinians' bid for 'statehood' at the United Nations in September. This stunned Israel, because under the Obama administration, Israel, like Honduras, is a
'Palestinian prisoner' exchange
There's a 'Palestinian prisoner' exchange taking place over the course of the next three weeks - between now and the end of Ramadamadan. The good news is that Israel is not involved. Representatives of rival Palestinian movements Fatah and Hamas say they have agreed on measures to end an impasse in reconciliation talks.
The groups, which run rival governments in the Gaza Strip and West Bank,
The groups, which run rival governments in the Gaza Strip and West Bank,
A 'totalitarian media' hoax?
Journalist Kobi Arieli describes the #J14 demonstrations as a 'totalitarian media' hoax. The "housing protest" brought an unknown number of Israelis to the streets Saturday night, but criticism of the seemingly spontaneous protest is growing. Kobi Arieli, one of the most prominent religious journalists in Israel's mainstream media, published a scathing critique of the protests on his Facebook
housing crisis,
Israeli economy,
Israeli taxes
Syrian Baath party website hacked
The website of the Defense Ministry of the Syrian Baathist party was hacked on Monday. Here's what it looks like:
And here's a close -up of the part of the website that's in English:
And here's a close -up of the part of the website that's in English:
EU Ambassadors not happy about being put in their place
Prime Minister Netanyahu's National Security Adviser Yaakov Amidror gave a briefing to the European Union's 27 ambassadors to Israel. And the ambassadors were not very pleased about it. European diplomats have called National Security Council head Yaakov Amidror aggressive and arrogant for "reprimanding" EU countries for their policies toward Israel, during what was supposed to be a routine
NY Times calls for 'imposed solution'
In an editorial that says that 'all share the blame' for the Middle East impasse - and then conveniently forgets Barack Hussein Obama's role in the impasse - the New York Times concludes that the United States 'and its partners' must impose a 'solution.' The best way, likely the only way, to head off this debacle is with the start of serious negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians. The
Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011
Brits discover 'Palestinians' paying terrorists
Britain has now discovered that a significant portion of their aid money to the 'Palestinian Authority' is going to pay 'Palestinian' prisoners terrorists and the families of suicide bombers. The Palestinian Authority, which gets £86million of British aid a year, has authorised payments of almost £5million to the families of ‘martyrs’.Another £3million has been given to 5,500 Palestinian
European foreign aid,
martyrs salaries,
Palestinian prisoners,
prisoner salaries,
terrorist martyrs
A Roundup of Favourite Restaurants in Sydney
There are too many darned places to eat in Sydney. There, I said it. It's exhausting, trying to work out where to go and what to try every other day. My friends are rotated, like designer handbags, to ensure that I always have someone to bring along to these expeditions. I tell them it's for 'research'. Most of the time they scoff.
I either need new friends or a new hobby but now is not the time
I either need new friends or a new hobby but now is not the time
The Congress is coming, the Congress is coming!
There's a Congressional recess ahead, and for many Representatives, Israel (where they are less likely to be asked about the United States' financial problems) is the place to be. 55 Republicans (for whom trips to Israel are becoming de rigeur) and 26 Democrats are heading here over the next few weeks. For those of you who don't do math, that makes 81 or more than 20% of the Congress. Most of the
Saudi Arabia withdrawing ambassador from Syria
It's a sad commentary on the lack of American leadership in foreign affairs that 'our friends, the Saudis' are taking the lead to do what America should have done weeks ago. After 70 more people were killed by the Syrian army on Sunday, the Saudis have announced that they are calling home their ambassador from Syria for consultations. When will Obama and Clinton wake up and do the same? "What is
US ambassador Dan Shapiro on #J14 (our 'social justice' protests)
US Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro posts on his Facebook page (in Hebrew) about #J14, our self-proclaimed 'social justice' protests. I'll use Ron Kampeas' translation rather than reinvent the wheel. The United States has no position on the internal matters of the state of Israel. But we admire the strength of Israeli democracy. The citizens of Israel know that they can demonstrate in the streets
Dan Shapiro,
housing crisis,
Israeli economy,
Israeli taxes
Australia to vote against 'Palestinian' unilateral declaration of statehood?
In what could be a major coup for Israel, Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard has come out against the 'Palestinians' unilateral declaration of 'statehood,' to be voted on in September at the UN. Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd favors abstaining. Gillard seems likely to win the argument (she toppled Rudd last year as Prime Minister), but even if she does not, Australia will be another western
The Norwegian obsession with Israel
Last year, a Syrian-born Norwegian politician accused the Norwegian Labor party of anti-Semitism. Last year Sara Azmeh Rasmussen, a Syrian-Norwegian writer and a secular humanist, accused Norwegian political parties of outright anti-Semitism. Rasmussen claimed that toleration for extremism that emanates from Islamic countries has influenced local attitudes toward the Jews.Rasmussen was a member
Another Jew who gets under Obama's skin
In May, we saw how Prime Minister Netanyahu got under President Obama's skin. In the budget negotiations, we saw another Jew do the same: Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (Va).I won't go into this too deeply, because it's off topic for this blog, but I'm sure Prime Minister Netanyahu would agree with this assessment (Hat Tip: Manhattan Dan): Like Mr. Cantor, President Obama is also a
'The tip of the triangle of destruction'?
And I thought they'd name streets after him if they ever got a 'state'.... Indeed, for a long time, many pundits on the Right here referred to him as the founding father of 'Palestine.'The following article from the sports pages of the official PA daily is an example of how neutral Israeli activities are twisted and used to promote hatred of Israel in the PA.The article is about Israeli
Likud MK Danny Danon talks to al-Jazeera
Likud MK Danny Danon recently sat down for an interview with al-Jazeera. The interview is a little longish (25 minutes), but it's quite interesting.Let's go to the videotape.
Lieberman's warnings
Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has warned of 'unprecedented violence' in the wake of a unilateral declaration of a 'Palestinian state' by the United Nations in September. Lieberman has urged Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to cut off all relations with the 'Palestinian Authority.' Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said in a press conference Sunday he will ask the government to cut off all
US credit rating now as good as Belgium's
The silver lining in the cloud of the US's credit rating being lowered is that for some strange reason, the dollar has taken off against the Shekel, something people like me who get paid in dollars have been hoping for months would happen. We're back over NIS 3.50 to the dollar for the first time in a long time (and to think I thought I was amazingly lucky to convert at 3.489 last Thursday).Above
No use throwing out a good agreement over one point
Representatives of Hamas and Fatah opened talks in Cairo on Sunday on implementing their 'reconciliation' agreement. Fatah Central Committee Member, Sakhr Bseiso, said that the issues under discussion will be the means of implementing the reconciliation agreement. These discussions will start with the issue of the government and move to all other issues within the agreement, including elections,
In its continuing campaign to defame Muhammad Dahlan, the 'Palestinian Authority' is now accusing him of murdering Yasser Arafat. Fatah has accused ousted party strongman Muhammad Dahlan of "having a hand" in poisoning late President Yasser Arafat, Arabic-language media reported Saturday.Arafat died in a Paris hospital in November 2004. The exact cause of his death remains a mystery, but popular
Assad's helping hands
The UN will soon confirm that Hezbullah and Iranian Revolutionary Guard troops have been involved in killing Syrian troops. According to the Arab media, a committee of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is soon to issue a report revealing that Hizbullah and IRGC activists stationed in Syria have been involved in killing Syrian soldiers who were arrested for refusing to
The busiest month evah!
I haven't been inside since early June but it seems that Ben Gurion Airport - you know, the one with the security that they can't have in the US because their airports are busier - has become quite a busy airport this summer. Some 1.365 million passengers passed through Israel's international airport in July, including arrivals and departures, tourists and Israelis – a 15% rise compared to the
Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we set out to deceive
Gabriel Matthew Schivone really wanted to be a Jewish anti-Semite. So he tried to learn from the best of the best. He tried to pass himself off as a Chicano Jewish-American. He interviewed Noam Chomsky, one of the most prominent Jewish anti-Semites of our time. And then he tried to pass himself off as a Jew on the flotilla of fools, thinking that his Jewishness would make Israel look worse.But
Ron Kampeas invades Jennifer Rubin's privacy
Poor Jennifer Rubin is being picked apart by the media for writing a post two weeks ago that made what seemed like a reasonable assumption at the time - namely that the Norwegian terror attacks had been carried out by Islamists - and then leaving that post untouched until after the Sabbath ended. Ron Kampeas was particularly nasty.In any case, the Post's ombudsman, Patrick Pexton, clears her in
Jennifer Rubin,
Ron Kampeas,
Sabbath observance
The one-policy President
Caroline Glick points out that Barack Hussein Obama has only one policy in the Middle East: Degrading Israel. What makes Obama's Israel policy notable is not simply that it involves betraying the US's most steadfast ally in the Middle East. After all, since taking office Obama has made a habit of betraying US allies.Obama's Israel policy is notable because it is a policy. Obama has a clear,
Ancora smentite. Ora tocca al caso di "Rendlesham Forest"
Dopo la smentita dei giorni scorsi del presunto (l'autore dovrebbe ripetere la creazione per esser certi) falso riguardante la foto simbolo dell'UFO triangolare dell'ondata di avvistamenti in Belgio del 1990, arriva ora il ridimensionamento del famoso atterraggio UFO avvenuto nel dicembre del 1980 a Suffolk, nei pressi della foresta di Rendlesham. E le dichiarazioni arrivano dall'allora comandante della base USAF di allora. Stiamo parlando del colonnello Conrad che da deciso di parlare dopo 30 anni di silenzio.
All'epoca dell'avvenimento, Conrad era comandante delle basi di Woodbridge e Bentwaters, nei pressi di Ipswich, sede in quel periodo della conservazione di armi nucleari.
Dopo l'avvistamento nel Natale del 1980 di luci misteriose nei cieli sopra la foresta di Rendlesham e dopo una serie di rapporti avvenuti in una seconda notte e provenienti dai suoi uomini, Conrad decise di indagare.
Durante il giorno, entrò nella foresta e si recò dove erano state viste le luci e dove erano stati trovati segni sugli alberi e sul terreno, indicando di conseguenza un possibile atterraggio di una nave spaziale.
Appena viste le "prove", Conrad le definì "banali". Tuttavia, tornò alla base e reclutò i suoi migliori ufficiali dediti alla sicurezza e ritornarono la sera stessa per indagare.
Il gruppo, armato con un contatore Geiger, telecamere e dispositivi per la visione notturna, analizzò il "sito d'atterraggio". Dopo aver riscontrato alcunchè di sospetto, la maggior parte della squadra fa ritorno alla base nella tarda notte. Rimasero in pochi, tra cui il suo vice il tenente colonnello Charles Halt, il quale rimase lì in perenne contatto via radio con il suo superiore.
Quello che segue è il resoconto di ciò che accadde dopo che Halt ebbe alimentato le voci di un atterraggio UFO. Per radio riferì di molte luci viste sia a terra che in cielo.
Dall'abitazione posta all'interno della base, il comandante e sua moglie uscirono per andare alla ricerca delle luci dopo aver sentito il racconto dell'avvistamento. Altri ufficiali della base - e le loro mogli - fecero la stessa cosa. Ma nonostante la notte fosse chiara e senza nuvole, non videro nulla di sospetto.
Il tenente colonnello Charles Halt, alcuni giorni dopo, presentò un rapporto dell'incidente al Ministero della Difesa inglese e da allora va in giro a dichiarare che le luci che vide fossero di "origine extraterrestre", accusando i servizi di sicurezza di USA e Gran Bretagna di "cover up".
Il colonnello Conrad, che quando accadde il fatto ritornò a casa convinto di non aver visto nulla di anomalo, rimase in silenzio.
Ora, dopo oltre 30 anni, ha fornito una serie di dichiarazioni circa gli avvistamenti al dottor David Clark, accademico presso la Sheffield Hallam University e consulente sugli UFO presso i National Archives - che questa settimana rilascerà alcuni documenti del Ministero della Difesa inerenti l'incidente.
"Non abbiamo visto nulla sia in cielo che in terra che somigliasse alle descrizioni fatte dal colonnello Halt", ha riferito Conrad.
In un pesante e schiacciante atto d'accusa, Conrad ha dichiarato: "avevamo persone in grado di convalidare la narrazione di Halt, ma nessuno di loro ha mai convalidato il racconto".
Conrad ha poi detto che non c'erano "prove concrete" di alcunchè di sospetto.
All'inizio fu detto che il contatore Geiger rilevò delle letture sopraelevate, ma successivamente si riscontrò che diedero valori di radiazione di fondo "normali".
Conrad va giù duro nei confronti dell'ex vice Halt e afferma: "dovrebbe vergognarsi e sentirsi in imbarazzo per aver detto che il suo Paese e l'Inghilterra abbiano cospirato per ingannare i propri cittadini su questo problema. Lui lo sa molto bene".
L'ex comandante della base contesta anche le affermazioni fatte da un altro testimone, il sergente Jim Penniston che era andato nel bosco la prima notte degli avvistamenti e da allora ha sempre dichiarato di aver toccato un astronave aliena. Secondo Conrad l'incidente di Rendlesham Forest è tutto da considerarsi una bufala.
Secondo Conrad l'avvistamento era da rifersi ad una "palla di fuoco" oppure alla luce del faro di Orford Ness, a circa cinque miglia di distanza. Conrad continua affermando che i colpevoli della bufala avrebbero successivamente ingannato con notizie false i colleghi, tra cui alcuni che hanno continuato a mantenere posizioni di rilievo nelle forze armate degli USA.
Il dottor Clark, che è uno scettico sulle tematiche UFO, crede che il tenente Halt abbia avuto una qualche forma di illusione ottica e che la sua affermazione e quella del sergente Penniston siano diventate sempre più estreme nel corso degli anni, facendo aumentare la speculazione sugli avvistamenti.
Inoltre Clark afferma: "nessuno mette in dubbio, men che meno Conrad, che Halt e i suoi uomini abbiano visto qualcosa nel bosco. Ebbero una esperienza straordinaria. E questa esperienza rimarrà straordinaria indipendentemente dal fatto che in ultima analisi, come suggerito, si potesse trattare di un faro o di un bracconiere di lanterne. Ma, il colonnello Conrad fu il responsabile dell'unica indagine corretta dell'incidente. Andò a vedere se c'era qualcosa da guardare. Non vedo il perchè non abbia visto nulla".
Traduzione e sintesi a cura di Antonio De Comite
'Palestinian' journalist goes into hiding from PA security forces
Two brothers have been arrested by 'Palestinian security forces,' and their journalist sister has gone into hiding after the sister refused to show up for 'questioning' after she wrote an article about a sit-in strike outside a 'Palestinian' prison. [Majdoleen] Hassouneh, a graduate of An-Najah University in Nablus, is the recipient of the best investigative reporter award from the Thomas
How to live with the status quo
In a lengthy article in Saturday's Toronto Globe and Mail, it took until the fourth computer screen to reach some semblance of balance. But the truth is that this is probably the best solution at the present time. Settlers may be split on whether the hilltop youths’ tactics are justified, but they and their supporters share a sense of urgency. As was the case in 1973, when pressure was building
Davutoglu sounding more and more like Nasrallah
American-based Noble Energy announced on Wednesday that it is going to begin drilling for gas off the coast of Cyprus by October 1. Noble Energy Inc. (NYSE: NBL) will begin drilling for natural gas at Cyprus's offshore Block 12 by October 1, Energy Service director Solon Kassinis told "Cyprus Mail" today.Block 12, located in Cyprus's Exclusive Economic Zone, is near Israel's Leviathan license in
Ahmet Davutoglu,
oil and gas exploration,
'J Street has harmed Israel'
Alan Dershowitz slams J Street chief Jeremy Ben Ami's new book. “It’s a myth that criticism of Israel is silenced,” Dershowitz said in a phone interview with the Post on Thursday. I have spoken at AIPAC many times and have criticized Israeli policy. AIPAC has never silenced me, because AIPAC knows I’m pro-Israel.”In the book, Ben-Ami argues that the major Jewish organizations and pro-Israel
Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2011
What could go wrong?
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon has demanded that Syria stop using its army against Syrian civilians. "In a phone conversation with President Assad of Syria today, the secretary-general expressed his strong concern and that of the international community at the mounting violence and death toll in Syria over the past days," the UN press office said in a statement.It added that Ban "urged the
Ban Ki-Moon,
Bashar al-Assad,
Syrian uprising
'Loyal opposition' leader urges Obama to rape Israel
Remember David Landau, the Haaretz editor who urged US Secretary of State Condi Rice to rape Israel? In an interview with Jeffrey Goldberg, Israel's current opposition leader has urged Barack Hussein Obama to do the same. Q: You just suggested that when Obama pushed Netanyahu, people realized they needed to get a deal. Do you think that American pressure on Netanyahu has been constructive?TL:
Still looking for someone to blame
On Friday, I argued that rather than looking inward in light of last month's double tragedy in Oslo and Utoya, Norway is looking for someone to blame. Unfortunately, the man in the picture at the top of this post just might be a leading candidate. I would bet that most of you will not recognize the name Peder Jensen, but you most likely will recognize his blogging alias: Fjordman. Yesterday,
Anders Behring Brievik,
Norwegian anti-Semitism,
Norwegian Labor party,
Peder Jensen
'Human Rights Watch' too busy trying to destroy Israel to help Syria
Syrian opposition activists are laying their lives on the line trying to topple the Assad regime. But don't look for 'Human Rights Watch' to help them out. They're too busy trying to destroy Israel. In Syria, HRW’s inadequacy is not new. Last July, HRW published a report titled “A Wasted Decade,” covering ten years of research on human rights violations in Syria in just 35 pages. The thinness
Lovely Links
Clockwise, from top left: All These Pretty Things: SEO Tips For Bloggers; This week I've been looking for hair inspiration for my upcoming appointment at the hairdressers and The Magpie Girl's new do is one of my favourites; Have you checked out my new beauty blog yet? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder; IFB: Working with companies: Asking for compensation; Gorgeous vintage cocktail glasses at Where Is Harriet? and the new site from Handpicked Media: Handpicked Media Style.
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